Friday 27 February 2009

Poem Starting Roses are Red

Albeit Valentines Day is over, a poem starting roses are red is still appropriate because love poems transcend 14/02 or 02/14, and, tonight, on QI, Stephen Fry mentioned a poem...or is it just a couple of lines?... which went " "Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you." ~ Richard B Sheridan.

Isn't that romantic?

I am, truly, a romantic, and a search engine tart, who's been recently courting the Valentine trade. I've just done very well with a blog entry using the plural of Poem Starting Roses are Red and it's fair enough that I've exploited the plural by bringing you the singular as I present just a single verse. This is it

My beautiful roses are red
My gorgeous violets are blue
I invite you to my bed...
...of flowers
So they can admire you

Jon Bratton 2009

Now if you want to see more actual valentine messages, click on the link

This 'poem starting roses are red' blog page was inspired by Sheridan but copyright of me
Jon Bratton 2009

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