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As a self confessed search engine tart I seek out common searches which are not well catered for and this one 'Name all 52 states in USA' is a corker. On a daily basis 1200 people want the search engines to find web sites that name all 52 states and quite naturally there aren't many takers.
So guys here I can name all 53...I've even thrown in the State Capitals
Note there are eight starting with M
And none with B or E
And eight starting with N
And none with J, Q, X or Z
(That rhymes if you are North American)
Alabama Montgomery
Alaska Juneau
Arizona Phoenix
There's more, don't you know
Arkansas Little Rock
California Sacramento
Canada Ottawa
I'm sure that's so
Colorado Denver
Delaware Dover
Connecticut Hartford
The list is not over
Florida Tallahassee
Georgia Atlanta
Hawaii Honolulu
We're starting to canter
Idaho Boise
Illinois Springfield
Indiana Indianapolis
What next is revealed
Iowa Des Moines
Kansas Topeka
Kentucky Frankfort
We're getting there. Eurika
Louisiana Baton Rouge
Maine Augusta
Maryland Annapolis
Hang on in there, Buster
Massachusetts Boston
Minnesota St. Paul
Michigan Lansing
And that's not all
Mississippi Jackson
Missouri Jefferson City
Montana Helena
We're sitting pretty
Nebraska Lincoln
Nevada Carson City
New Hampshire Concord
We're still sitting pretty
New Jersey Trenton
New Mexico Santa Fe
New York Albany
I've got more to say
North Dakota Bismarck
North Carolina Raleigh
Ohio Columbus
There's more, don't dally
Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Oregon Salem
Pennsylvania Harrisburg
I knew I could name 'em
Rhode Island Providence
South Dakota Pierre
South Carolina Columbia
We're getting there
Tennessee Nashville
Texas Austin
Utah Salt Lake City
where I once got lost in
United Kingdom, London
Vermont Montpelier
Virginia Richmond
What did I tell yeah
Washington Olympia
West Virginia Charleston
Wisconsin Madison
I'm done but for one
Wyoming Cheyenne
That's almost the last call
52 States
But that's not all
There's one more to name
Before the conclusion
What about all those folk living
In the state of Confusion?
For more click the link
Name All 52 States in USA
This Name all 52 states in USA blogspot entry is copyright Jon Bratton
As a self confessed search engine tart I seek out common searches which are not well catered for and this one 'Name all 52 states in USA' is a corker. On a daily basis 1200 people want the search engines to find web sites that name all 52 states and quite naturally there aren't many takers.
So guys here I can name all 53...I've even thrown in the State Capitals
Note there are eight starting with M
And none with B or E
And eight starting with N
And none with J, Q, X or Z
(That rhymes if you are North American)
Alabama Montgomery
Alaska Juneau
Arizona Phoenix
There's more, don't you know
Arkansas Little Rock
California Sacramento
Canada Ottawa
I'm sure that's so
Colorado Denver
Delaware Dover
Connecticut Hartford
The list is not over
Florida Tallahassee
Georgia Atlanta
Hawaii Honolulu
We're starting to canter
Idaho Boise
Illinois Springfield
Indiana Indianapolis
What next is revealed
Iowa Des Moines
Kansas Topeka
Kentucky Frankfort
We're getting there. Eurika
Louisiana Baton Rouge
Maine Augusta
Maryland Annapolis
Hang on in there, Buster
Massachusetts Boston
Minnesota St. Paul
Michigan Lansing
And that's not all
Mississippi Jackson
Missouri Jefferson City
Montana Helena
We're sitting pretty
Nebraska Lincoln
Nevada Carson City
New Hampshire Concord
We're still sitting pretty
New Jersey Trenton
New Mexico Santa Fe
New York Albany
I've got more to say
North Dakota Bismarck
North Carolina Raleigh
Ohio Columbus
There's more, don't dally
Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Oregon Salem
Pennsylvania Harrisburg
I knew I could name 'em
Rhode Island Providence
South Dakota Pierre
South Carolina Columbia
We're getting there
Tennessee Nashville
Texas Austin
Utah Salt Lake City
where I once got lost in
United Kingdom, London
Vermont Montpelier
Virginia Richmond
What did I tell yeah
Washington Olympia
West Virginia Charleston
Wisconsin Madison
I'm done but for one
Wyoming Cheyenne
That's almost the last call
52 States
But that's not all
There's one more to name
Before the conclusion
What about all those folk living
In the state of Confusion?
For more click the link
Name All 52 States in USA
This Name all 52 states in USA blogspot entry is copyright Jon Bratton